American Ed. Dec 2021
Ed. 2022
American Ed. Dec 2022
Should Attend
The Book
On Ice Cream
& Answers
"On Ice Cream" featured in Dairy Foods magazine
and sourced from "On Ice Cream" technical short courses.
Vanilla Crisis
Question: What is the cause of and what can be done to cope with
the current limited availability of vanilla extract? What can be done
to maintain the quality and cost of vanilla ice cream?
Answer: Key vanilla bean growing regions include Madagascar,
Indonesia, Comoro Islands, and to smaller extent Mexico, Tahiti, and
other locations. Normally, supply just matches demand. However, early
in 2000, a cyclone ripped through Madagascar, the world's major producer
of vanilla beans, destroying almost 1/3 of the total vanilla crop just
as vanilla beans were maturing. It takes vanilla takes 3 years to replant,
flower, and produce beans, and since it takes almost another year to
get ripened beans to market, the effect of this production loss will
be felt for years to come. Just as critical as loss of production volume
is change of flavor quality. With demand outstripping supply, immature
beans may get to market. Use of these immature beans can yield different
or less than desirable flavor, aroma, and taste profiles. All this is
most critical for dairy foods, which use nearly 70% of all vanilla extract
produced. At greatest risk are Category I (Vanilla ice creams) and Category
II (Vanilla Flavored ice creams) where vanilla extract constitutes all
or high per cent of added flavor. Artificially Flavored Vanilla ice
creams (Category III) are not affected. Managing taste/flavor quality
is critical to achieve sensory targets. What are your options? First,
look at the real need for vanilla extract in all formulas. Can it be
totally or partially replaced with some other variant or enhancer of
vanilla flavor? Pay careful attention to labeling issues involved and
packaging changes that need to be considered. Can the amount and/or
type of vanilla extract(s) used be modified? Might you consider a change
in flavor category of ice cream? Perhaps modifications to mix composition
might assist. These could be focused on reducing the impact of components
or characteristics that typically mask or modify the perception of vanilla
flavor, such as level/type of sweetener(s), total sweetness, total solids,
fat and serum solids. Also, don't forget the impact of color and appearance
in the perception (quality and intensity) of any given flavor. Most
importantly, work closely with your vanilla extract suppliers. There
may be new or, perhaps, "not so new" approaches, products and technologies
which may help manage a way through this "vanilla crisis." This is not
a short-term situation. Take time and do it right.
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